Tuesday, August 30, 2016

A Gregory Mitchell Story: My Student Introduction

Hey, my name is Gregory Mitchell, and I am a sophomore in the Community, Environment, and Development major, currently with the International Development option. My current plans also include eventually double majoring in Economics, and double minoring in Global Health and Environmental Inquiry. I first became interested in international development and global health when I went on a service trip with my church to Panama. While on the trip, I was primarily involved with the medical team, where I tested blood sugar and helped run the clinics. My interest developed further as I joined the Model United Nations team during my senior year in high school. At most conferences I focused on issues dealing with development, specifically global health and women's rights. I hope to gain a more holistic and thorough understanding of development from this class, along with a better understanding of possible career paths after graduation.


  1. Sounds like you have a lot of interests! That's why I got into CED too, it's a very versatile major, especially in conjunction with Economics or Global Health. Looking forward to seeing how your interests develop over the course of the semester!

  2. Im really impressed by all the involvement you've already had in this major and the plans you have for the future! Best of luck and I hope this class helps us both gain the understanding we're looking for
