Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Eve Jones Introduction


 My name is Eve Jones and I’m a sophomore majoring in CED with a focus in International Development. I hope that over the course of this class I will gain a wider perspective on the various cultures, communities, and challenges faced by countries around the world. The CED major interests me because I love to travel and explore foreign cultures. At Penn State I am also involved in an A cappella group on campus called The Coda Conduct and Penn State’s Community Nutrition and Food Security club. This past summer I interned at an organization called Share Our Strength: No Kid Hungry. Share our Strength is a non-profit organization that works to end childhood hunger in the United States. Over the course of this summer I learned various ways this problem is addressed both nationally and internationally. I’m looking forward to learning more about development around the world and how to better address the problems these communities face.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Elyse Mitchell Student Introduction

Hey! My name is Elyse Mitchell and I am junior studying CED in the International Development option. I'm from the town of Vienna which is located directly outside of Washington D.C. in the great state of Virginia. I am interested in CED because of the various subjects it is related to including sustainability, social issues, economics and agriculture. Specifically I want to do research abroad studying international agriculture and sustainable development in rural areas. From this class I hope to learn about issues in economics, the humanities and environment from a global standpoint and how development comes into play. In my spare time I enjoy reading, playing the guitar and traveling. I recently joined the Student Farm here on campus and hope to get more engaged in ag related clubs. 

Kyle Dool Student Intro

Hi, I'm Kyle Dool and I'm a Junior majoring in CED with the International Development option. I'm from Newtown Square, PA, which is about 15 miles outside of Philadelphia. International Development interests me because I love to travel and wish to see the world, plus this major helps me create a positive impact in the places I go. My other interests include sports, music, anime, television shows, and reading. I'm a die-hard Eagles fan and I also support Liverpool FC. I'm looking forward to this class this semester because is it centered around my interests inside the CED major.

Hi! My name is Sydnie Dempelein and I am a junior majoring in Community, Environment, and Development with the Community and Economic Development option; I am also pursuing a Leadership Development minor. With this, I hope to work in various large urban cities to help establish or develop non-profit programs that promote environmentally friendly city living.

I was born and raised in San Jose, CA (50 miles south of San Francisco). At Penn State I am involved in a business fraternity, Dance Marathon, and Penn State Outing Club. I love to hike and enjoy the outdoors in my free time. This semester is my first semester in the College of Ag. Sciences so I am eager to meet more CED students and get involved in more Ag. related clubs. I am looking forward to learning a lot about developing cities and communities and what we can do to help these places thrive!

A Gregory Mitchell Story: My Student Introduction

Hey, my name is Gregory Mitchell, and I am a sophomore in the Community, Environment, and Development major, currently with the International Development option. My current plans also include eventually double majoring in Economics, and double minoring in Global Health and Environmental Inquiry. I first became interested in international development and global health when I went on a service trip with my church to Panama. While on the trip, I was primarily involved with the medical team, where I tested blood sugar and helped run the clinics. My interest developed further as I joined the Model United Nations team during my senior year in high school. At most conferences I focused on issues dealing with development, specifically global health and women's rights. I hope to gain a more holistic and thorough understanding of development from this class, along with a better understanding of possible career paths after graduation.

Emily Kurchock Student Introduction

Hi guys! 

My name is Emily Kurchock and I’m a sophomore studying Environmental Resource Management and Community Environment Development. I’m hoping this class will give me insight into how other communities operate in all different parts of the world. I would also like to learn about different study abroad opportunities throughout this class. I grew up near Hazleton, PA, which is in the Northeastern part of the state. One of my dreams is to work for Teach for America, AmeriCorps, or Peace Corps after I graduate. This past summer, I volunteered at a children’s camp in my community and that’s when I realized I would love to work with kids someday. I also love hiking and visiting farm sanctuaries.

Patricia McLoughlin Intro

Hey guys! I’m Trisha McLoughlin. I’m now a junior studying Community Environmental Development in the Environmental Economics and Policy option. At Penn State I’m also involved in Penn State Irish Dance, Alpha Delta Pi, and am a Parade Captain for PSU Homecoming. In this class I’m looking forward to broadening my views and learning more about how communities operate around the world.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Hannah Ranalli Student Intro

Hi friends!

My name is Hannah Ranalli and I am a sophomore with the CED major focusing on international development. Currently I am pursuing a minor in geography and I hope to also get a minor in global health before graduation. My aim, with this major and minors, is to eventually go to grad school for public health and pursue a career in disaster relief. I am hoping this class will give me a better understanding of the way communities run and operate around the world and become more up to date with the current news and the difficulties which many of these areas face. This past summer I was fortunate enough to intern with a company in my hometown, Pittsburgh, called Just Harvest. Just Harvest is a non-profit, which aims to end hunger in Allegheny County through advocacy, connectivity and a “help people help themselves” attitude. I personally worked with a program called Fresh Corners, which aims to get fresh produce into local corner stores in an attempt to provide a healthier diet to many individuals living within the food deserts of Pittsburgh. Overall it was a great experience and it furthered my concerns about food security, nutrition and overall political policies on these issues. Besides these interests, I also love photography, doodling, whales, traveling (everywhere) and anything outdoors especially hiking, and kayaking. I hope to get to know all of you guys before the end of the semester!


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Sunday, August 28, 2016

Student Introduction: Bernicia Guercio

Hello, my name is Bernicia Guercio. I am a senior double majoring in Environmental Resource Management (Environmental Science option), and Community, Environment, and Development (International Development option). I started my college career in the ERM major and was required to take CED 201. That class introduced me to the major, and after that I was interest in pursing a degree in CED. Currently, I am interning at The Arboretum at Penn State in the Childhood’s Gate Children’s Garden! I am passionate about environmental awareness and justice, and preserving natural systems. I love to study and spread awareness about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). I am involved with the organization UNICEF Penn State, and the Student Sustainability Advisory Council (SSAC)!

Student Introduction: Tucker Douglas

Hello everyone!

My name is Tucker Douglas, and I am a sophomore CED major. My option is Environmental Economics and Policy, and I am currently considering a minor in Horticulture. I started as an ERM major, but switched to CED after my first semester after I realized I wanted to focus more on policy than the hard sciences. My goal for this class is to expand my understanding and perspective of the world, and better realize the needs of humans globally, and how these needs can be met.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Student Introuction: Emily Seiger

My name is Emily Seiger and I am a junior currently pursuing a double major in both Nutritional Sciences and Community, Environment, and Development (International Development option). I started originally in Nutrition but after realizing that my learning goals were not being met, I decided to try CED as well and have since loved what I've been learning. I'm super interested in Food Security, Global Nutrition/Hunger, Micronutrient Deficiencies and the other issues surrounding these ideas. (Poverty, Disease, Development, etc.) I also am involved with an organization on campus called International Justice Mission where we plan events to raise money and awareness about issues related to Human Trafficking. I really love to be outside and hike and play volleyball!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Student Introduction: Keyanna Colon

Hello, my name is Keyanna Colon and I am a community, environment, and development major. I am currently a junior. I am interested in a sustainable future and am very surprised to learn about new sciences emerging in sustainability. 

Will Schreiner Student Introduction

Hello my name is Will Schreiner. I am a junior and am pursuing CED Environmental Economics option for my major. However, I am interested in looking into International Development as that really interests me as well. 

Student Introduction: Deirdre Carmichael

Hi everyone! I am your CED 230 undergraduate TA, and you can call me Dede.
I'm a Senior working towards a dual degree in Economics and CED (international development option), with a minor in Spanish. Last spring I spent my semester in Quito, Ecuador and had an incredible experience. I am a huge advocate for studying abroad and I'm happy to talk to anyone who might be thinking about going abroad soon. Over the summer I was lucky enough to have two internships, one with the community development department in my hometown's local government, and another with the United Way of Lebanon county. I hope that I can be a resource for you this semester and that you can be a resource for me as we start figuring out the best way to facilitate learning in our Thursday class. I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you!

Saturday, August 20, 2016

CED 230 Development Issues in the Global Context

Local communities - in both developed and developing countries -- are influenced by strong global forces that affect the well-being of their residents. Community economic development is one approach to enhance improve economic outcomes. This course will use an issue-oriented approach to help students understand economic development patterns and resultant issues in the U.S. as compared to what is observed and what is of critical concern in other places. Topics will include the concept of globalization, economic restructuring trends, investment in human capital and the ability to retain this often mobile form of capital, migration and change in patterns of migration, and environmental effects of development in different contexts. Each year that the course is taught, there will be a focus on patterns of economic development by region in the U.S. but with comparisons to three other selected countries -- one in Latin America, one in Asia and one in Africa. Students will be encouraged to compare and contrast economic and related social issues that arise in these contexts, with particular emphasis given to recent economic trends and events and to the rate of change compared to the past.